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Behind The ScenesIdentity — 29 Apr 2021

Meet the team: Marjolijn

Meet the team: Marjolijn

In my experience, a great part of parties is turning previous strangers into friends, balancing a wineglass in one hand whilst unhandily shaking hands with the other. So for TITS’ 6th birthday party, we translated that experience to a digital form. In other words, we’ll let you get friendly with our entire team via a series of interviews. You might be surprised to know that we’re a very small team. I’m currently the founding duo's only employee. As the editor of this blog, it would be a tad awkward for me to interview myself - although, to be honest, I do that in the shower every night. Nevertheless, It’s now up to Nathalie and Mathilde to fire some questions at me. In their words I’m a: “spicy hot pepper and intersectional feminist who is clever, on point, determined, eager and woke”… Oh girls, stop it! 

When, and why, did you start working at TITS? 
I started exactly two years ago. Back then, I was in my final year of AMFI, the local fashion university, and already had some experience as a sales assistant. I decided to apply to stores I loved, hoping I could maybe wiggle my way into a more creative position after graduation - which turned out to be a solid plan. I checked out a few promising spots, but when I came to TITS, everything just clicked. I felt completely in sync with TITS’ feminism, expressive and sustainable fashion and, of course, its two fabulous owners! So I never left. 

What’s it like to work with two girlbosses?
Well… apparently they’re a bit cocky. Haha! In all seriousness, you have the knowledge and courage to found and run this company, which teaches me a lot. But, neither of you has a big ego and you’re always open to outside ideas, which is a rare but fantastic combination. I suspect that’s why your partnership is so strong as well, it makes you great people to collaborate and work with. 

Which taboo did you break? 
That’s a tough one because I don’t feel like I’ve broken any taboos yet for anyone other than myself. Although, change starts with yourself, so: Whereas I used to keep stories of my sex and sexuality private, I now divulge them to anyone who will listen; particularly the supposedly “unladylike” bits, like self-pleasure, porn, just generally enjoying different types of sex with different types of people. I think TITS’ sex-positivity helped with that. I mean… you can’t sell a vibrator if you can’t testify to its orgasmic power.

And which taboo would you still like to break?
A lot of them. For TITS, I’d like to continue to challenge taboos around gender, sexuality and femininity. I want to underline the fact that you don’t have to be feminine to be a woman, nor that femininity is exclusive to women.  

What would be your ultimate TITS item to make?
Probably a big penis-shaped vase with gold and pink glitters! Or a collection of monochrome, recycled satin shirts... I’m a woman of many tastes. 

What are your plans for TITS?
First off, I’d love for TITS to provide a wider and more inclusive range of products. But mainly, I would like to grow TITS as a platform that breaks taboos through sustainable fashion. Rather than just informational, I’d like our blog and social media to spark conversations around fashion, self-expression and conscious consumption. Also, I want to party in our store again. 

What was your most epic or memorable moment in-store? 
I laughed and cried so much in the store. We’ve had some memorable parties, great customers and hilarious moments. I love it whenever customers turn on one of our vibrators and can’t figure out how to turn it off again. It happens more than you’d think and always results in a funny or interesting conversation around sexuality. 

What are you dreaming about?
Literally speaking, I often have very strange and vivid dreams. Last night I dreamt that my cat tried to poison me by putting crushed up multivitamins in my glass of wine. Does anyone know what that means? In a more metaphorical sense, I’m very happy growing as I grow now, within TITS but also as a person. Although… I do dream of publishing a book once. 

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